The Moon Shines Bright, And The Stars Give Light:
The Heart's Delight-Islington Christmas Carols
Thursday, December 12th
2:30 - 3:30 pm
The Rooms
9 Bonaventure Avenue
If you grew up in Heart’s Delight - Islington, your Christmas memories might include waking up late at night to the sound of community men reverently singing two ancient carols, passed down for over a century, in the darkened porch of your home.
Other communities in the area, such as Cavendish and Green's Harbour, also once practiced a version of this house-to-house caroling, but today the tradition remains strongest in Heart’s Delight-Islington. Join folklorist Dale Jarvis in conversation with the local tradition bearers who are working, and singing, to keep this old Christmas custom shining bright.
Presented in partnership with The Rooms, and Heritage NL.